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As we go further along into the technological era, proper ITAD or IT Asset Disposition should be an integral part of every organization. After all, with the growing sophistication of IT hardware and with companies allocating significant IT budgets for hardware spending, a lot of planning should also be put into the disposal of millions of metric tons of electronics that have outlived usefulness.

But with enterprises focused primarily on financial growth, responsible ITAD often takes a back seat. At times, organizations are only confronted with the problem of when, where, and how to properly dispose of IT assets, when they find that the old storage where they’ve been keeping outdated equipment is filled to the brim. Now what?

This is where the importance of having a solid ITAD plan comes in.

Why Organizations Need an ITAD Plan

Whether your business is upgrading to new equipment or simply getting rid of old hardware, planning for the efficient disposition of your current technology devices would prove valuable to your enterprise. These are the key benefits to having a well-designed ITAD program:

  • Ensures protection of sensitive data. Most businesses have cybersecurity measures for tech actively being used. But even as IT assets reach end-of-life, the responsibility for the data stored in these devices remains. No company would like to fall victim to a costly data breach, and properly disposing of tech assets removes a potential attack vector.
  • Promotes support for environmental sustainability. Simply dumping unused IT assets into a landfill or putting them into storage for as long your resources allow no longer cuts it. The sheer volume and complexity of IT hardware these days call for more proactive measures to reduce environmental impact. A sound ITAD program evaluates ways to extend the life of retired assets, whether by refurbishing and reselling them, or through responsible recycling.
  • Guarantees regulatory compliance. Developing a good ITAD plan for your organization isn’t just for your peace of mind; it’s actually a regulatory requirement. There are a number of regulations that deal with IT asset disposition and non-compliance can lead to hefty penalties and fees.

Getting Started on an ITAD Program

If you’re convinced of the necessity of having an ITAD program, then it’s time to take action. How and where do you start? It’s important that your ITAD program considers your organization’s goals for data privacy, corporate environmental responsibility, and compliance with government regulations. This 5-step guide should help get you on the right track.

  1. Assemble an ITAD team. Ideally, the asset disposition committee should be composed of stakeholders from key departments including IT, Security, Legal, Finance, Corporate Communications, Facilities Management, and other relevant units.
  2. Gain an understanding of your organization’s IT inventory. This listing should consider all IT-related assets including data center equipment such as servers, storage arrays, routers, etc., as well as employee devices such as PCs, laptops, and mobile devices. Be aware of how often these assets are replaced or upgraded, to better determine when e-waste disposal and recycling services would be needed.
  3. Evaluate your company’s priorities. ITAD services cover different areas of concern and while all are important, you may want to put priority on one area over another. For instance, if your company deals mainly with customer information, you would have to contend with numerous data privacy laws, making data security a priority concern. Or perhaps your corporate social responsibility program strongly supports environmental advocacy, which would compel you to focus more on recycling or repurposing assets.
  4. Develop an ITAD policy. After a thorough evaluation of the company’s assets and priorities, the team should then develop an ITAD policy that defines each type of asset, outlines the framework for tracking them, and recommends appropriate methods for their disposal.
  5. Select an ITAD services provider. Having a strong ITAD program for your enterprise is one thing. But seeing to the actual retirement of your IT assets is best left to the experts. Partnering with an ITAD vendor guarantees that your organization’s disposal needs are met, while meeting the standards for data security, compliance, and sustainability.

Responsible ITAD without the Complexity

Regardless of your organization’s size and the industry you belong to, implementing responsible ITAD can be quite the challenge. The good thing is that you don’t have to go at it on your own. Responsible asset disposition is very much doable with the services of a reliable ITAD provider who can simplify ITAD for you.

Try ITAD services by CentricsIT. Adhering to the highest standards for responsible ITAD, CentricsIT will help evaluate your retirable IT equipment and then help determine if they are candidates for repurposing, recycling, or disposal.

Learn more about CentricsIT’s ITAD services here.