


How IT Asset Disposition Companies Dispose of Hardware

Moore’s Law, first observed in the 1960s but still observed more than 50 years later, describes the speed of technological innovation, projecting the number of components per integrated circuit doubling every two years. In a world of constant innovation, the question of what happens to outdated hardware is one [...]


IT Doesn’t End Here: Why the Circular Economy is Gaining Ground in IT

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) initiatives have become standard at major companies across all industries. As companies look for ways to become more sustainable, IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)—the way hardware is properly disposed of—is an easy and effective way to boost these initiatives without greenwashing. By properly disposing of IT [...]


Navigating ITAD: What to Look for in an IT Asset Disposition Provider

In the fast-paced world of IT, managing end-of-life assets has become a critical aspect of every organization's IT strategy. As businesses upgrade their technology infrastructure, they must think about what will happen to their old hardware. Choosing the right IT asset disposition provider means considering service offerings, the types [...]


Where to Buy Used Cisco Hardware: A Guide by CentricsIT

At CentricsIT, with over 15 years in the pre-owned hardware business, we understand the intricacies of IT hardware acquisition. When it comes to a trusted name like Cisco, the market offers a variety of options, and it can be difficult to know whether you are making the right decision. [...]

What to Do with Your Old Cisco Switches and Routers

When it comes time to upgrade your network, you may be wondering about what to do with your old Cisco networking equipment. IT hardware is expensive, and with the speed of advancement in networking technology, thousands of dollars of investment never seems to go as far as it should. [...]


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CentricsIT Statement on COVID-19 Impact

Message to Our Customers and Vendors Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) With the recent emergence of COVID-19, a strain of Coronavirus, around the world, the team at CentricsIT has been actively monitoring its impact. The [...]

  • CentricsIT Continues Workplace Thanksgiving Tradition
CentricsIT Continues the Workplace Thanksgiving Tradition

This post on the CentricsIT workplace Thanksgiving tradition was contributed by Mandy Glidewell, Director of Marketing It’s a workplace Thanksgiving tradition that harkens back to a different time—before you could order a Thanksgiving meal [...]

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