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Because data is a company’s most valuable asset, the responsible disposal of IT assets is critical. As businesses upgrade their technology infrastructures, the proper handling of end-of-life (EOL) equipment is necessary to mitigate environmental risks and protect that sensitive data. It’s important to understand the significance of choosing a partner with the right certifications, particularly the R2 certification.

What is R2?

The R2, or Responsible Recycling certification, is adopted by organizations that process used electronics. It is accredited by the EPA and housed by SERI, a non-profit organization that works to minimize environmental and health risks related to e-waste while maximizing its value. It sets the standard as the most widely adopted standard for used electronics worldwide. The version currently in use—R2v3—was adopted in 2020.

Achieving and Maintaining R2

Achieving R2 certification is no small feat. To achieve R2, ITAD providers must maintain ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. They must also undergo a thorough auditing process conducted by accredited third-party auditors to verify compliance with R2 standards. This process evaluates every aspect of the provider’s operations, from environmental management to data security protocols. The certification doesn’t only apply to the facility evaluated. As part of R2, any downstream facilities must be qualified and audited as well. The R2 certification is fully re-audited every three years, and less extensive audits are performed annually.

Why R2 Certification Matters

Environmental Responsibility

The R2v3 certification signifies a commitment to sustainability, reuse and data protection in the IT asset disposition process. By choosing an ITAD provider with the R2 certification, businesses can ensure that their retired equipment is handled in compliance with stringent environmental regulations, minimizing environmental impact and promoting responsible recycling practices.

Data Security

Data security breaches can be devastating for businesses, causing financial losses, reputational damage, and loss of trust. R2-certified ITAD providers adhere to rigorous data sanitization and destruction protocols to safeguard sensitive information throughout the disposition process, giving clients peace of mind that their data is protected.

There are guidelines for both data destruction, the destruction of the equipment where data was housed, and data erasure, the removal of data from a device. These guidelines cover a variety of materials, from paper to disks to SSDs and HDDs. Data destruction is typically performed by overwriting data to make it unreadable using software for this purpose. The industry standards include DoD 5220.22/NISPOM and NIST 800-88.

Compliance and Accountability

R2 certification requires ITAD providers to adhere to a comprehensive set of standards and best practices, ensuring transparency and accountability in every stage of the asset disposition lifecycle. Measures to ensure compliance include documenting processes, recording the flow of equipment, data destruction, shipping, and recording quality assurance testing. By partnering with an R2-certified provider like CentricsIT, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to compliance with industry regulations and ethical business practices.

Partner with CentricsIT for Responsible ITAD Solutions

At CentricsIT, we recognize the importance of the R2 certification in demonstrating our commitment to environmental responsibility, data security and compliance. With our extensive industry experience and dedication to ethical business practices, we provide tailored ITAD solutions that prioritize sustainability, security and accountability. Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide R2-certified ITAD services.


We all know how IT ends.

Even the most cutting edge equipment becomes obsolete, but it still contains data that needs to be protected. A good ITAD plan keeps data safe, preventing breaches and leaks from your old devices. To learn more about ITAD planning, contact our team.