How We See IT – Windows XP EOS
Benefits, Obstacles, and Solutions for a Windows XP Migration
Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014, and the IT world is abuzz with questions and concerns. Windows XP is over thirteen years old, but it still commands approximately 25% of the operating system market share. As the End of Support (EOS) due date approached, that percentage is only dropped at a rate of 1% per month. The IT world has evolved a great deal in the last thirteen years, and Windows XP simply cannot address the relevant concerns and needs of today’s IT departments any longer. The gaps between the design of yesterday and the vulnerabilities of today create a huge risk and liability for companies using antiquated technology, and many apps and third-party tools won’t work on older operating systems. The monetary and time costs to create and maintain customized fixes to keep Windows XP running typically outweigh the benefits. This white paper will help you get up-to-speed on the benefits, obstacles and solutions for a Windows XP Migration.
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